Sunday 1 January 2012


The Big 'D' -  an epic Burger
Welcome to London 2012 – the year of the London Olympics and Wendy’s culinary Olympiad!

The Olympics is a wonderful way to bring the world together in peaceful and meaningful contact. Eating together is another.
We enjoy the company of people from around the world and through them we have the opportunity to sample tasty treats from their homelands. They also inspire my cooking and so I will share with my fellow foodies, a dish or drink from a different city or country – including London and other British regional capitals.
Although I will prepare many of the dishes or beverages, I love eating out so will include some tasty treats sampled in restaurants as well as those cooked, enjoyed or prepared by my family and friends around the world!
So, let’s cleanse our palates and start our yearlong worldwide tour of food and drink from Britain and around the world.

Bon appétit!

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